Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Tide is Turning: Part 2

In Wilmington, NC our downtown area is located along the Cape Fear River which is a significant river. The city has put in a nice walking path along the river where people stroll along looking at shops and the many boats that dock. On more than one occasion, I have noticed that the river appears to have come to a stop. It normally is steadily flowing along but at times it looks like the water has stopped flowing. The reason for this is that the tide of the ocean is coming in and the when the ocean tides pushes up the river it looks like the river comes to a stop.

Many times in our life we find ourselves in a season that it appears we are unable to connect with God. Sometimes the difficult situations in our life intensify and we continue to call out to God but we hear, feel and experience nothing. It is as if the water has stopped moving. Has God abandoned us? Is God not concerned about my needs? Will He ever deliver us? Unfortunately many people give up at this moment. They doubt that God is working in their life and they loose their grip on faith.The most heartbreaking thing is that God was actually turning the tide around in their life. They couldn't feel it or see it but God was definitely moving, but because they couldn't see it they gave up.

Galatians 6:9
Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time.

Are you growing tired? Don’t give up. You may not be able to see what God is doing and it may even feel like God has forgotten you but He hasn’t. Stay strong, keep praying, and remain faithful! Getin2life with a passion and you will see that God is turning the tide around in your life.

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