Friday, June 22, 2007

A New Level Of Faith

I met a young man recently who was raising support for himself in order to go into full time ministry. I left the conversation greatly encouraged from the level of faith he was walking in. He knew God had called him, now he was stepping out into unchartered waters.

In Matthew 8: 26, Jesus asked the disciples a great question that needs to be asked to all of us at different times. He asked, "Why are you afraid?" Then Jesus answered the question on why they were afraid by stating to the disciples, "You have so little faith."

I think there is a stirring from God for us to live at a new level of faith. God is asking us to step out or step up. It is time for many to move beyond casual Christianity and give yourself over completely to His will. Those of you that know me, know that I'm not talking about spooky and kooky living but I am talking about people laying down bad habits, evil attitudes, grudges and anything that compromises your full out devotion to God. It's time to really getin2life! The God life. If you are reading this then possibly God intended for you to stop right now and ask Him to completely fill you with His love and then challenge yourself to fully live for him. So what are you afraid of? Are afraid to give God everything. Don't be afraid, live by faith. Let me know if you are being called at a new level of faith.

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