Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Love That Fades

I remember my first car that I purchased. It was the fall of 1988. I bought a brand new Nissan Pathfinder. I remember spending weeks and weeks walking around the dealership waiting to find just the right car. Finally, I found it, filled out the paperwork and drove it home. I was very proud of my new car. I washed it regularly, showed everyone and always looked for new gadgets to add to it like my ski rack. After about a year had passed an interesting phenomenon occurs. It is a condition of the human heart. It begins to loose it's original joy for the thing that once you couldn't quit thinking about. This condition of the human heart effects us all. Without regular, purposeful efforts, we all will begin to loose the joy in the thing we once loved. It's one thing to begin to loose the shine of a car but what about your marriage or a close friend. More friends are lost due to neglect than anything.

I was reading in Revelation 2 today. Verse 4, written to the church at Ephesus ,"I have this complaint against you. You don't love me or each other as you did at first! Look how far you have fallen from your first love! NLT

This church was suffering from the same problem that we are still suffer from, "a love that fades." I don't want to fall into the same problem they did. How are you concerning your original love for God? Are you progressing in passion or have you fallen prey to this common heart condition? One of the best ways to stir up your passion for God is to 1) pray for revival and 2) reach out to someone who is not currently walking with God.

Let's getin2 life! I mean give God your all.

See you soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is so true and so sad. Thankfully we have the example of our Lord and Saviour Jesus that shows us a love that never tires, never fades and is constantly growing more and more passionate. If only we as humans could have the longevity of foresight to focus our desires on the day that we are with him rejoicing and worshiping rather than on a round of golf, a new car or a promotion.

Thank you Jesus that as we press into You, You cause our desire for Your things to be stronger than our desire for the things of this world. Amen!