Thursday, June 14, 2007

Never Give Up!

Good morning bloggers. I went to our web site to see who was fasting today because I wanted to be sure and pray for them. Biblical fasting always inflicts a death blow to the devil but he never goes down without a fight. In Matthew 4 the Bible says that Jesus was fasting for 40 days and nights and during that time the enemy came to tempt Jesus. Jesus resisted the devil and verse 11 says, “The devil went away.”

Have you noticed every time you take a serious step forward with God that the devil tries to come against you? He tried three different temptations on Jesus before he “went away.” One of the things that gets many Christians off track is they give up; the problems begin to add up, the worries become greater, and they give up. No, they don’t walk away from God but they give up on going further with God. They get complacent. Christianity becomes less important and church becomes a Sunday event or a show that they attend.

It is time for us to rise up with a spiritual backbone! Resist the temptation to become shallow. I’m calling you out of the sin of shallow into a life worth giving your all for. Getin2life today. Live for God with all of your heart. Leave me a comment that says you are part of the strong and courageous. I know there are many!

By the way fasters… keep on pressing forward the enemy can’t stand it when God’s people act like Jesus. He will go away. He’s defeated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to let you know that I truly enjoy reading your blog. I know with myself God has been saying how far am I willing to go to met with him. We are fasting and praying for God to move in a lot of areas but how far are we willing to go to met with him. We want God to move on our behalf but are we willing to pay the price to met with him. I am one of those strong and courageous who is pressing through what comes my way.