Thursday, June 28, 2007

Don't Act Like a Spoiled Child.

What is your reaction in a situation that doesn’t go the way you want it to go? Life is filled with ups and downs, great moments and not so great moments. Even spiritually we can find ourselves in a dry place or even questioning if God will ever deliver us from a difficult problem. How we react in these moments reflects our faith. Can you still trust God when He appears to not rescue us at the moment that we want? As you probably well know God’s timing is not always our timing. I read this scripture and it shed some perspective on disappointments. I thought this might help some people.

1 Kings 21:1-4
King Ahab had a palace in Jezreel, and near the palace was a vineyard owned by a man named Naboth. 2 One day Ahab said to Naboth, "Since your vineyard is so convenient to the palace, I would like to buy it to use as a vegetable garden. I will give you a better vineyard in exchange, or if you prefer, I will pay you for it."
3 But Naboth replied, "The LORD forbid that I should give you the inheritance that was passed down by my ancestors." 4 So Ahab went home angry and sullen because of Naboth's answer. The king went to bed with his face to the wall and refused to eat!

King Ahab had everything at his disposal but acted like a spoiled child when he didn’t get what he wanted. Verse 4 says he, King Ahab went to bed with his face to the wall and refused to eat. Man, this King focused only on what he didn’t have and forgot all that he did have.

If you are struggling through a situation that you thought God should have answered by now, don’t be like King Ahab and act like a spoiled child. King Ahab refused to eat. Sometimes we do the same thing when we get down… We quit reading our Word or skip church, stop giving our tithes and so on. Basically we are starving ourselves spiritually.

Determine to make today a great day regardless of the situations. Trust God! Get back into your Word, go to Church and worship with a grateful heart for all that God has done in your life. Focus on the good things in your life. Smile and get-back-in2life. King Ahab sulked. What will you do?

God bless your journey.


The Bradshaw Family said...

How true. I always need to remember the goodness of God in my life, but, like King Ahab, I can quickly forget. Greg, just a couple of days ago, had to gently remind me of this very thing. I am thankful that God uses those around us and His Word to help us when our focus becomes shortsighted and narrow.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.