Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Part 4: The Tide Comes In!

Last night I had an opportunity to go to Wrightsville Beach with my family. Some friends and I were playing bocce ball in the beautiful sand. While I was there I stopped and reflected again on the effects of tide. The tides come in and go out having an effect on the beach. On the positive side, when the tide comes in it replenishes the beach with sand, new shells, and all kinds of living things. Without the tides coming in the beach would eventually lose its life and dry up into a hard surface. But God has commanded the waters to return to the beach on a consistent regimen.

I know of many people who are going through a dry spell in their life. I have spoken to people who are struggling with sickness, issues with their children, business struggles and other related stresses. Have you wondered when will God bring the tide in on your life and bring new life to your situation?
I wish I could promise you that today is the day but I can’t, but there will be a day.

Matt 24:13 “But those who endure to the end will be saved.” NLT

There is a guaranteed day that the dry places in your life will be refreshed. God is faithful.

I know in the end, God will save us but my faith is not lacking that a season of refreshing and restoration is coming for us even now.

You should read all of Joel chapter 2, at verse 19 it says that after a time of fasting and prayer God will reply.

Joel 2:19
He will reply, "Look! I am sending you grain and wine and olive oil, enough to satisfy your needs.

I believe it! Just as God has commanded the tides to come in to refresh the beaches, He is sending you your answer and it will be enough to satisfy your needs.

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