Monday, July 16, 2007

Getting Your Life in Order

This weekend Harriet and I embarked on a major do-it-yourself house improvement project. We began the enormous task of cleaning out our attic. You may be thinking, what’s so big about that? Well If you could have seen how many boxes were packed in there, you would understand.

At the beginning of the year the Lord impressed upon us to get our house and life in order. I began looking at the areas of my life that required attention such as organizing my personal record system for important documents, organizing my bill paying, organizing my garage, attic and closets and on and on. I knew these were areas that could use some attention but why was God getting involved in this area of my life? I’m sure there are other areas that seem weightier that He could work on, but right now He wants me to get my life in order.

1 Corinthians 14:40
Let all things be done decently and in order.

This verse was written to the local church concerning order in worship but I don’t think it would be hard to build a case on the idea that God would have us to live our lives in an orderly, organized manner.

Curiously, has God been speaking to others about getting your life in order? If so, I would like to hear your thoughts on why you think God may be speaking this word to the body of Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pastor Tim. Yes, shortly after Nate left, when you were preaching about dreams and God's purpose in our lives, God spoke to me about simplifying and organizing areas of my life because they were "cluttered". I looked back in my journal and it was January 26th. I wrote that God was speaking about "declutting" my mind and life. I felt strongly that being disorderly in other areas was distracting from prayer life. I spend many hours "decluttering". I believe that God may speak in this area to help prepare us for other things. Being disordly and cluttered can be very distracting and make it easy to miss something that the Holy Spirit is speaking as individuals and as a church body. Thanks for sharing these thoughts.