Monday, August 6, 2007

If I were the devil, this is how I would attack God's people.

The Bible teaches about Spiritual warfare.

Ephesians 6:10-12
Be strong with the Lord's mighty power. 11 Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil. 12 For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.

This week at Life Community Church, I taught on spiritual warfare by looking at how the enemy is attacking God’s people. My sermon title was, “If I were the devil, this is how I would attack God’s people.” I listed seven ways I would attack God’s people. I had several people request copies of the seven ways, so I thought I would simply put them on my blog and hopefully get feedback.

If I were the devil, this is how I would attack God’s people.

1. If I were the devil I would get people to buy real big houses, new cars and anything else that would tie up their money. I would use debt to trap people into slavery. I would use discontentment to become a major drive in people’s lives. I would convince people that the church wants my money and tithing was not biblical. In a nutshell, if I were the devil, I would hold people hostage to their money causing them to be unable to pursue their God given dreams and withhold money from being used to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ.

Come back to the site later to get point 2.


Anonymous said...

Was is paul who said he had learned to be content in everything.I have surely felt in my life if I only had this or when I get to this place I will be content.Thats a lie straight from hell.Yet God does take us to blessings so we may bless others.If im broke I cant give to the church or help someone in need.I have to say to as far as tithing I have been weak in this. WE say when we get out of debt will give a full 10%. Anyone else been here?

hammering hank said...

I am wondering if Jesus ever mentioned a 10% tithe? Are there any new testement verses that address tithing? I think 10% is old jewish law not new testement teaching.
Tabitha, there are many ways to "tithe" which includes your time. It is far more valuable than money. I think too many people throw their 10% in just to buy their way to heaven (lot easier that way).

Tim Blevins said...

Hi Hammering Hank,
Thanks for your comments. Jesus does make mention of tithing in Matthew 23:23, “you are careful to tithe even the tiniest part of your income, but you ignore the important things of the law — justice, mercy, and faith. You should tithe, yes, but you should not leave undone the more important things.” (NLT) The New Testament doesn't say much about tithing but in this one place Jesus does affirm it. I would agree with on your point that some people try to buy their way into God's favor. This doesn't work. Giving with a wrong heart attitude is also wrong. Although giving (tithing) with a right heart attitude is Biblical. Also, I agree that tithing can, at times be easier than giving of yourself and your time.
What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
Found my way to this blog from an invitation to visit your church( we are relocating from Georgia in the very near future)
I've been back and forth on the tithing issue for quite some time. I believe that tithing is biblical and right, but I also believe that it's important to wisely choose where to tithe. I don't have any interest in building a mega church that doesn't reach out to the lost. There are too many of those out there.
We are very much looking forward to visiting with you all. Thank you for the invite.
In Christ,