Saturday, September 29, 2007

Holy Discontent- by Bill Hybels

I just completed a book by Bill Hybels, “Holy Discontent: Fueling the fire that ignites personal vision.” One of the main points is that each person will recognize a need in this world and will become discontent to sit by without action. Eventually, a person will become passionate about solving a problem and they will go to work to be the answer. At our church, we have many people who are doing just this but today I was reminded of a married couple while serving at our outreach ministry, “Angel Food.”

Several months back this same couple approached me about helping people get food that were financially unable to purchase it or at least, good foods like meat and vegetables. They not only saw a need but they had a solution and then to boot they wanted to lead the ministry. As watched dozens and dozens of boxes of food go out the door, I felt a surge of optimism in my heart. I was excited to see people sacrificially giving of themselves to help others.

A few things I learned from this…
  1. People like this are contagious. Not only were they helping but there were many other volunteers pitching in as well. People love to associate with people who are passionate about helping others.
  2. Serving in a place that stokes your fires only makes you burn brighter. This couple had started the day at 5am and did not finish until after 2pm. That makes for a long day! But they were smiling. They were physically tired but their hearts were full.
  3. As a pastor, this last observation may be the best. I realized when people are serving in the ministry that they passionately care about then I don’t have to motivate them to do the job well. I didn’t have to tell them to be sure and get up early enough to be ready. I didn’t have to ask them to be prepared with necessary supplies. I actually did not have to do anything but thank them. Why? They wanted good results as much or more than I did, therefore they were self motivated. It is ever tiresome to be obligated to hold a leaders hand to do accomplish their work. But when people serve the need that God has placed in their heart then watch out... these people will have significance in our churches and cities.

God bless you Gary and Mindy McSmith!!!

Now what about you? Read the story of Nehemiah. He couldn’t stand by without putting his hands to the task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. He was discontent to sit by without action. You will find your life having greater meaning when you are giving of yourself to a God-given purpose.

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